Monday 29 March 2021

Congestion Analysis


Congestion Analysis

  • As the Technology advances, millions of transistors can be packed onto the surface of a chip
  • Thus the increased circuit density introduces additional Congestion
  • Intuitively speaking, Congestion in a layout means too many nets are routed in local regions
  • This causes detoured nets and un-routable nets in Detailed Routing

  • Congestion Analysis
    • Routing Congestion Analysis
      • Congestion in general referred to Routing Congestion
      • Routing congestion is the difference between supplied and available tracks
      • A track is nothing but a routing resource which fills the entire Core

    • Placement Congestion Analysis
      • Placement Congestion is due to overlap of Standard Cells, it is called Over lapping rather than called as Congestion
      • Overlapping issue can be fixed by aligning cells to the Placement Grid by legalization
  • In recent years, several congestion estimation and removal methods have been proposed
  • They fall into two categories: Congestion estimation and removal during global routing stage, and Congestion estimation and removal during Placement stage
  • To estimate Congestion, tool does Initial/ Global Routing
  • Congestion reports are generated after each Routing stages which shows the difference between supplied and demanded Tracks or G-cells
  • Overflow = Routing Demand - Routing Supply (0% otherwise)
  • Usually starts the initial Target Utilization with 65% to 70%
  • 7/3 in a 2D congestion map : There are 7 routes that are passing through a particular edge of a Global Route Cell (GRC), but there are only 3 routing tracks available. There is an overflow of 4.
Causes for Routing Congestion
  • Missing Placement Blockages
  • Inefficient floorplan
  • Improper macro placement and macro channels (Placing macros in the middle of floorplan etc.)
  • Floorplan the macros without giving routing space for interconnection between macros
  • High Cell Density (High local utilization)
  • If your design had more number of AOI/OAI cells you will see this congestion issue
  • Placement of standard cells near macros
  • High pin density on one edge of block
  • Too many buffers added for optimization
  • No proper logic optimization
  • Very Robust Power network
  • High via density due to dense power mesh
  • Crisscross IO pin alignment is also a problem
  • Module splitting

congestion in physical design

Congestion Fixes

  • Add placement blockages in channels and around macro corners
  • Review the macro placement
  • Reduce local cell density using density screens
  • Reordering scan chain to reduce congestion
  • Congestion driven placement with high effort
  • Continue the iterations until good congestion results
  • Density screen is applied to limit the density of standard cells in an area to reduce congestion due high pin density

congestion fixes in physical design

  • Routing congestion, results when too many routes need to go through an area with insufficient “routing tracks” to accommodate them routing cpngestion
  • Two major categories: Global Congestion and Local Congestion
    • Global Congestion: This occurs when there are a lot of chip-level or inter block wires that need to cross an area
    • Local Congestion: This occurs when the floor plan has macros and other routing blockages that are too close together to get enough routes through to connect to the macros.

Congestion Profiles

congestion profiles, global local congestion

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